
For the Sake of the Community

Based on traditional First Nation culture, Nän Ka means “For the Sake of the Land.” It is a guiding principle for our partnership’s mission, vision, and values—to respect the land, its resources, local communities, and people. Nän Ka strives to protect human health and safety and preserve and restore the environment and its resources.

Nän Ka has ties to the Dakwakada Development Corporation, the business arm of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nation (CAFN). The CAFN traditional territory is situated in southwest Yukon and extends into northern BC.

As a Yukon-based company, Nän Ka is committed to providing Indigenous opportunities for employment and partnering (including goods and services) to the First Nations and their businesses, as well as local and regional Yukon-based companies. We strive to maximize socio-economic benefits to our local communities, giving back to the land and its people. We are founded on strong core values, an integrated vision and mission, and a culture of safety and quality.