The Camp Fire affected an area of 386 square miles, forcing 83% of residents and businesses to relocate, creating enormous deficits in both worker pools, and housing and operations areas. Basic life support needs like potable water and power were contaminated or initially unavailable. To minimize community impact and provide housing and logistics for our workforce, the team constructed a full-service 1,500-person base camp and provided facility operations and maintenance (power distribution, potable water system, fuel storage, life safety, security, and waste management). The base camp was built in a 66-day phased approach: 350 personnel (five-room modular housing units and one kitchen/diner) within 21 days; and 1,150 additional personnel (four- and five-room modular housing units and remaining support facilities) within 45 days, including utilities, dining facilities, recreation centers, a medical clinic, meeting and office space, storage, and security.